Rural Opportunities of Reading Building Renovations

Rural Opportunities Inc. Pennsylvania Division is a licensed daycare provider serving the Reading area. A private, non-profit charitable purposes multi-state organization, they provide a number of services including housing, housing development and rehab, community and small business development, employment and training, health and safety,and advocacy services to migrant and seasonal farm workers, and other disadvantaged individuals and families and communities since it was founded in 1969.

The Project consisted of renovations to a vacant brick one-story plus basement building located at 121 South Second Street, Reading, PA. The design incorporated the separation of corporate/ training spaces with a daycare environment for persons attending training and assistance classes or working within the program.

Project responsibilities for this renovation and rehabilitation project included the architectural planning and design, as well as the mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and sprinkler engineering. This project was funded through Federal financing sources and incorporated the Davis-Bacon Prevailing Act and other Federal project guidelines into the project specifications.